Sometimes we just don’t like change

I got a message from a business coach this week. He was saying that sometimes we just don’t like change. And most of us can relate to that. The unknown can be scary. If change involves someone or something taking away our security blanket, or moving us out of our comfort zones, then – no – we don’t like change. But in reality, everything is changing. Always!

The world is changing.

Our job is changing in some way.

Technology is constantly changing (that can drive me crazy!)

YOU are changing.

Change is the fabric of life!

When we initiate change, we are more excited. We see it as an adventure! When circumstances – or perhaps someone else initiates change – then we balk. We don’t necessarily like it. We don’t see the vision. We just see the immediate discomfort or pain.

What can we do about change since it is constant?

We can drag our feet and complain. Or we can figure out what good can come from the change.

How could it help if your attitude was different?

Is there anything you can do about it?

How can you adapt to the change?

How can you make the most of the change?

What adjustments do you need to make?

How can this become your new adventure?

Transition…the very word means to move from one stage to another. What exciting thing might happen to you if you ask yourself: “Regardless of how I got here, how do I move on from here?”

Laughter yoga helps me tremendously in dealing with changes. I know myself. I can be prettttttttty  disturbed and resisting. I have a tendency to be nostalgic of what used to be. Yeah. I do.

And reading this message made me realize that I HAVE NO CONTROL whatsoever on everything changing in my life!  But where I do have control is on the way that I REACT to all that and the way I CHOOSE TO SEE it. So this might just be my next year’s resolution (HA!  I never do that but I just might this year. I can change too!). See changes as an adventure, as something brand new in my life, as new possibilities for me to learn something.

Let this sit in your mind for a while: When I decide to change something, then I feel safe… when life changes something, then I’m scared…

Let’s tame that dragon and laugh at that!

Food for thought!

Be well

Health, Joy and Laughter

Your HAHA Sister, Linda

Thank you David Draney – The Tactical Strategist  for that inspiration!

My Laughter Club… keeping me sane!

This week, we will be celebrating our 13th anniversary in Gatineau! 13 years of sharing laughter – and sometimes tears! – and being happier week after week… In my case, I have a confession to make. This commitment required a lot of love and attention and work, but it probably saved my sanity over the years!

I’m just like every body else! It’s not because I’m a Laughter Yoga professional (I made it my business for over 7 years now) that I don’t experience the “not so cool” times in my life. I’m upset, I’m frustrated, I’m sad, I’m hurt… and I’m stressed! But this weekly commitment, to show up, lead a laughter yoga session with whoever is there, well it has been a sanity savior for me!

Whatever challenge I’m facing, whatever difficulty or storm I’m dealing with, having to be there and laugh with my Laughter Club Family is making me feel sooooooooooo much better! Week after week…

Sure, sometimes, I think it’s a lot of work and some evenings I’m really not in good shape when I arrive. Sometimes I even apologize right at the beginning for my lack of energy or stamina… but what happens is that I FORGET ABOUT EVERYTHING while I’m there laughing with whoever showed up that night! And frankly people don’t SEE my mistakes or my tiredness. They simply enjoy every minute with me laughing – as I do with them!

Seriously guys, a social laughter club might be the BEST THING that happens in your life as it is in mine! I’m not kidding!

The physical experience of going somewhere TO LAUGH with others is simply so very rewarding and we all feel so much more connected to each other after an hour of sharing laughter. Nothing compares to that…  well, let me think… Nope!  Nothing compares to that!

So what are you waiting for? DO IT!
It is worth every minute you get involved in that.
Be well and keep smiling
Your HAHA Sister, Linda

A small gallery

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

  • Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
  • Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.
  • In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.
  • Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.

Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

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Good days… and not so good days

We all have our days when things are going so right and perfect! It feels like nothing can get us down nor stop us. These days are wonderful and we all love to have them. We wish they would never stop!

And then, we have our days where we wonder why we even bother… What we did to deserve such crap or misery. Even if the sun is up and sky blue, we just don’t see it, feel lousy and wish they would never begin! One word to describe our state of mind then: lousy.

Yes… they all happen.

When I don’t sleep well or if I don’t feel good when I wake up, my feeling is that I’m being tested! Will she stay in that mood or will she switch and be present to the beauty of the moment? See, I didn’t say “will she be happy” but I used the word “present”. Important nuance.

These days are there for a reason. We are human beings and as such, we experience feelings, emotions… stuff!
So the challenge for us all is to pay attention to these days when we feel like clouds are surrounding us (even in a day where the sky is blue and not grey!). Thank the emotion or feeling, and then start to smile. I’m saying SMILE. Keep doing it. The minute you find your face getting too serious or long, SMILE.

Want to bet that your mood will change?!

I’ve been testing this method lately. It really worked! I’m not saying that my day completely changed and that the worries went away completely. I simply noticed the beauty surrounding me, saw SOMETHING else than my worries and smiled at my challenges. My shoulders relaxed and my breathing went deeper and easier.

My conclusion? It’s like you are giving yourself a beautiful HUG and you feel better… Try it! I guarantee you might just enjoy yourself then!

And that’s a fact!

Be well

Your HAHA Sister, Linda