Laughter club seances
A laughter club is a group of people who meet to laugh together and practice laughter yoga exercises.
The idea behind laughter clubs is that they are open to everyone, with little to no fees and no registration. The commitment is personal – you come regularly for your own enjoyment!
Even if it can seem strange or weird the first time you practice it, every exercise brings forth irresistible natural laughter and has a specific intrinsic function:
- The “Lion Laughter” loosens the tongue, relaxes the jaw and throat;
- The “Argument Laughter” allows you to argue… while laughing;
- The “Laugh at Yourself” allows you to laugh at our good and not so good actions;
- The “Cold Motor Laughter” ignites your inner motor through laughter;
- And the “Laughter Meditation” is like dormitory laughter… we prefer to let your imagination fill in the blanks!
Simple movements accompany some of the exercises and allow you to awaken certain muscles as well as the zygomatic. Deep regular breathing allows you to connect with your breath.
A full session lasts about 45 to 75 minutes and is like internal jogging. You come away just as breathless and revitalized as having done aerobics or yoga. And in addition, you’re laughing!
But even the best description isn’t worth much unless you’ve tried it… and retried it, since even though you’ll experience immediate benefits, the long term benefits will only be felt after several sessions.
New Laughter Clubs are created every month. To rediscover the pleasure of laughing, to take advantage of the many benefits laughter provides, to socialize, to do yourself some good, and for the simple joy of LAUGHTER!
Laughter Clubs
AHA! Club de rire de Gatineau 14e année! | Centre Père Arthur Guertin, 16 rue Bériault, 4$ | Mercredi (1 sur 2) de 19h15 à 20h15, Début le 11 janvier 2017 | LINDA LECLERC Fondatrice de l’École du yoga du rire 819 210 5057 |
Club de rire de Beloeil | Salle Trudeau, 940 Guertin, Vieux-Beloeil (Entrée par le stationnement), 5$ | Un dimanche sur 2, 10h00 Appeler pour confirmer | Sheila Bédard 450 464 7518 |
Club de rire Le Rigoldon – Sherbrooke | Centre Jean Besré Sherbrooke, 5$ | Samedi, 10h30 à 11h15 | Pierre Beaudoin 819 570 3885 |
Club de rire de Nicolet | Centre Gabriel Ranger, 690 Mgr Panet, Nicolet. Gratuit | Mardis de 13h30 à 15h00 Aux deux semaines | Michèle Drevet et Josée Lupien 819 293 6416 |
Club de rire Ottawa | Patro d’Ottawa Salle A-2-19 et au Parc Cobourg en été | Lundi de 19h00 à 20h00 (2e et 4e du mois) | Petra, Sylvie et Catherine 342 883 0608 |
Club de rire Montréal Plateau | Club Biz, 551 Mont-Royal, 3e étage – 7$ | 1 jeudi par mois | Orly Nahmias 514 532 7289 |
Club de rire Québec | Salle Bruno Montour, 151-A St-François Est, Québec | Premier mardi du mois ET 3e lundi du mois | Héloise 418 805 3915 |
Club de rire de Notre-Dame de Ham | 5 $ | Samedi de 10 h 45 à 12 h 00 | Julie Marchand 819 464 0052 |
Club de rire de Trois-Rivières | 3420 Ludger Duvernay,Trois-Rivières | Jeudi à 19h Appeler avant de se présenter | Raymond & Karine 819 374 4122 |