Lauren Tatner – A different kind of notary
My name is Linda and I’m the founder of the HAHA Sisterhood and of the School of Laughter Yoga. Welcome in the Joy Element, the Feel Good podcast that will inspire you. Meet Lauren Ner, founder of Love. Happy Lauren is a Nue, an author, a teacher, an inspirational clown. She is a graduate of university in the faculty of law where she earned not one, not two, but four law degrees.
She certainly has an interesting life. She’s a certified reiki teacher, consulting hypnotist, meditation teacher, laughter yoga. Fitness instructor. Specialist . She also trained. Watch this in theater Dance, Zumba, voice meditation, public speaking, improv clown comedy, past life regression. Chak . Talk about an interesting life
Listen to her joy element. The welcome, welcome. Thank you so much. I’m so happy to be here. I was so excited to connect with you and, uh, yeah, I’m very excited. Yay. Um, um, Lauren is a notary, so that’s a very serious and tedious and very precise type of work. So you probably use very like your left side brain because this is the rational side and I know that what you’re doing.
Needs to be very precise. But on the other side, you are also a clown. Um, you are, you are doing meditation, you’re doing Zumba, dance, improv, clown comedy and laughter yoga, . So you’re using both side of your brain, . Yes. Yes. I, uh, I love using both sides of my brain. I find it they compliment each other. . Uh, yeah.
And you just published a beautiful book. I love the title. Tell us about, Thank you. So, uh, the English version is called You Are Love and the French version, I, I had to translate it into French cuz I’m passionate about languages, especially, uh, the French language. It, it’s called mm-hmm . And, uh, it’s really a.
It’s an illustrated interactive guidebook to, um, finding internal happiness and finding your fun. And I really wanted to create something that was simple, accessible, and fun for adults and children. I wanted it to be for really everyone. Uh, I believe that it can help every adult. , I believe has an inner child that, uh, would be happy to wake up and play and, uh, be reminded of things that we all knew when we were born and when we were young children.
You know, children are so quick to laugh and smile and be in the moment, and they know so much coming into this world. And I find that as we grow up, unfortunately, we. unlearn a lot of these things and create, or unfortunately mm-hmm. , yeah. And, and, uh, develop these self-limiting beliefs. So this book is really to wake up or in a child and to remind us everything that we were born knowing.
And I wanted it to be a book for children to, um, to, to read and appreciate and, uh, read on their own, but also be able to share with, uh, with the adults in their lives. And, uh, so I’m excited about this, uh, this tool. . It certainly is something to brighten our days because with a title like that, you are loved.
I mean, it’s a, it’s a beautiful legacy to lead to the world. So I’m very grateful that you had this, you downloaded that idea to , to bring to the world. Yes. And I’m Thank you for saying downloaded because it really felt that it was channeled or, or downloaded. For sure. Yeah. Well, sometimes the best of our ideas come like it.
That’s what I was saying about less last year. I said, well, I don’t know where it’s coming from, but I certainly downloaded something or I channeled something and I’m. Grateful that it came to me because I could bring it to the world. Yeah. Yes, that’s indeed. Yeah. And it, so Lohan, um, let me ask you, when, like, you’re a mother of twins, so how old are your twins now?
They’re 19 months young. Okay. So 19 months. It’s still, they’re still very in need of their mama all the time. So what do you do when you are experimenting, like when you are feeling stressed out or if you have too many things to do all at once? What do you do to cope with stress or to just to unwind or relax?
Okay. These are great questions. I just wanna mention that, uh, my twins are napping right now, so , they’re, uh, that’s all good. Um, so what I do to relax is, . You know, my schedule was very different before I had my twins. I was, uh, um, you know, I would focus on my breathing and do a meditation first thing in the morning, and I would dance and do a laughter exercise for myself and, and do, do other things throughout the day.
Uh, whenever I. Felt like it. And I still, I still do things for self-care, but it’s just, um, in a different way and in a, in a different flow or schedule right now. Um, and what happened, and this is great cuz I wanna mention this too. It’s, it’s how the book came to be was the concepts, and I’ll get to, I’ll answer your question, but the concepts that, that are outlined in the book, um, I’ve always been passionate about them.
It’s all about feeling good and finding. To feel good and know and trust and access all the good stuff we have within ourselves. And so I always knew these concepts and I was learning and studying them over the, over the, um, last many years. But then when, when my twins were born, I was very, very thankful, of course.
But then sleep deprivation started to, and, and being in that, what they call, um, the fourth trimester. Yeah. Um, with the fluctuating hormones and everything that comes along with just having had, um, a new baby. So when I, when I, oh, and it was also in the middle of, um, uh, COVID, you know, COVID, uh, lockdown.
Yeah. And the covid isolation and which created, um, well, a lot of positive things, but a lot of challenges as well. And so I was finding it challenging to incorporate all of the wellness techniques and practices that I. That I had been practicing before all this. I was finding it challenging to apply it to my new scenario being sleep dep, extremely sleep deprived, uh, in the middle of a global pandemic.
And I thought, oh, I, I wish there was a way that I could create, um, Have access to a simple guide, a simple something to help me remember and practice, um, all these things that I, that I knew, or that I know. Um, and so that’s when the, the words of the book just started to, to flow to me. So all this to say to answer your question.
So you were, you were repeating that to yourself. Yes. Yes, exactly. I am long. I am long. I am. . Yes. I was repeating things that I knew that my, the newborn babies, like my newborns knew, I felt their pure energy mm-hmm. , um, that they come into this world with it. And I, I, I felt that and I, from them, and I wanted to feel it within myself and I wanted to shine it back to them.
Like I wanted them to feel my good energy too. And I was being so sleep deprived. I was finding it challenging to. Access the, the good feelings that I knew I had within myself and to, um, be present and to connect with them. And so when I, um, when I just, when I asked the universe, I wish, you know, wish there was a way that I could, um, start to feel better again.
To start to feel more present, to connect with myself and with them. The words started to flow and actually, I, I thought, oh, I’d love to sing a song to them. But all the songs that I, all of the nursery rhymes or, or lullabies that I could remember all had, I don’t know. I mean, um, there are beautiful ones, but the ones that I was thinking about seemed to sad to me, had sad lyrics.
I want something that was going to be, that was going to be, um, positive and uplifting. And so the words of of my book started to flow in the form of a poem, and I started to. these words to them. Um, yes. That, that you are loved. You are loved, and all good things flow. You have everything you need inside of you.
These are just little quote to you. Yes. Positive mantras, kind of. Yeah. Yes. So the positive mantra mantras were helping me and, uh, And, and I felt they could f you know, for sure feel my energy. And so I felt, I was so thankful for having these affirmations or mantras to say, because, so you’re experiencing stress, you are using them on yourself as well.
Yes, yes, exactly. I would sing it, say these words, or sing these words to them in their presence or just even on my own, even if I, you know, was in the washroom, you know, uh, washing up or, or, um, if they were sleeping somewhere else. Um, , I would say them to myself is a quick, and I still do, is a quick pick me up.
And they’re 19 months old now. And I, um, we’ve incorporated the book, uh, over the last, well, since they’ve been born as part of their bedtime routine where, um, where I sing it to them is as a lullaby. Um, so it’s. It’s a lot of fun. I’m having fun with it for myself and for them. So actually you probably use the same, I was going to say medicine, um, that you just shared with us.
You, you probably use the same skills or tools or, um, , yeah. Medicine. Uh, when you’re having, mm. I would say what I call sad days or sad moments. Sometimes we just wake up and we’re like, uh, uh. If it’s not in, if it’s not in the morning, then it’s some, somehow sometimes in during the day, the course of the day, then we feel a bit sad or just middle colleague.
And what do you do to tear yourself up then, or to just. Either change your mood or to what do you do then? Yes. Okay. This is an amazing question cuz we’re all human and, uh, you know, no matter what we do or teach, or no, we, we can definitely, we, we experience, we’re all human and we experience the, you know, ups, but also the downs.
And so when I find myself having either waking up, feeling down or, or, or having, um, um, something come up where I start to not feel like myself or feel.
Yes, exactly. Sad what I do or sad. Yeah. Yeah. I, I, um, as soon as I can, I remind myself that I’m human. It’s okay, you know, to, um, to, to feel this way and to know that I’m not my emotions. It’s, it’s an emotion. And, and I remind myself that emotions are important. I really believe that our emotions are our internal G p s or guidance system, letting us know if we’re in alignment with what we truly know or want, um, or not.
So I, I see it as a positive thing. And also, um, hang on a second. There’s so many, so many thoughts that. Going on that I’m excited to, to, to share. But, um, um, yeah, so that’s it. I, I allow myself to acknowledge how I’m feeling, remind myself that I’m human, it’s normal, and I. and I then tried to pay attention to what is it that I’m focused on?
Is it a thought that makes me feel good? No, most likely. It’s usually all the time. Actually, it’s, it’s not. Cause I really believe that our thoughts affect how we feel. Uh, so I, I try to see what am I focused on? Okay. And then I acknowledge, okay, it’s just a thought that doesn’t make me feel good. And then I, and then it also lets me know, okay, so that’s what I don’t want.
So then. What is it that I do want? And then I try to shift my focus to a thought. I, so I allow that thought to thought to just sort of float away or just be, and then I try to focus on a thought that allows me to feel a bit better because I see the, uh, emotion or emotions as on a scale or almost like, um, a ladder going up or down.
And so if we’re feeling kind of at the bottom of the ladder, Emotion wise, it’s, it’s, I think it’s really impossible to jump right up to the, um, to feel bliss or happy right away. That’s not possible. You’re right. We’re humans. . Oh yeah, exactly. We’re human. Wonder Woman doesn’t live here. . And so what my focus is to just acknowledge how I’m feeling and, and try to come up with a thought or think of a thought that allows me a bit of relief to allow, that allows me to feel just a bit better.
And I test it out. I almost make it like a game, I think. There’s this thought, does it make me feel a bit better? If yes, I’m like, okay, good. And then I keep thinking, yes. Yeah. And then, and then I tried to find a, another thought that d does that make me feel better? And I just did this the other night with myself,
Um, when I was taking my dog for a walk, um, I was, uh, yeah, I was trying to focus on thoughts and allowed me to feel better. And, and, you know, I came up with a thought that. Came into my mind and I’m, and I thought, no, this thought does not make me feel better. And I thought, okay, that’s okay. And I let that thought go.
And I, I came up with another thought. I’m like, oh, yeah, , that one, that one feels better. So I make it like a game. I start to gradually have fun with that. And so that’s what I do. But we’re all human and it’s so normal. And Yeah. To, to feel all the re the, yeah. All the different emotions. Yeah. So basically when you’re stressed out, you repeat.
Positive affirmations and you breathe and you just stay in the present moment. And when you are having days when things are a bit off or if you’re sad or. I like the word Sometimes it’s just like, you know, it’s just, we’re not depressed. We’re just, so for these days, uh, you concentrate on, okay, is this, is this thought making me feel better?
If not, then move on. And if yes, then keep thinking about things like that. Exactly. Yes, for sure. And sometimes if I, you know, if, if I’m so sleep deprived, cuz that doesn’t help sleep deprivation. Sleep is so important. That’s the worst thing. . Oh my gosh. And, uh, so sometimes, you know, if I ca, if I’m, let’s say so, so I’m feeling melancholic or, you know, not like myself and, and.
Really sadder Melan. I, if I, and if I realize it, it’s because I’m, I’m so sleep deprived, and if I have a moment, I’ll either take, you know, um, a nap, a nap if I can. But if I can take a nap, you know, if I don’t feel like, oh, I don’t have the time I have to get back to work, I’m at the end of my lunch period.
Um, what I’ll do is I’ll find, you know, at least I’ll take five minutes to just sit somewhere comfortable and focus and close my eyes, put my phone on airplane modes so that I don’t have like, My phone buzzing and distracting me. Yeah. And I’ll focus on my, and I’ll set my, um, a meditation timer. Mm-hmm. , uh, just to keep track of, you know, the five minutes.
And, um, and I’ll focus on my breathing or I’ll hum. You know, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll breathe to Hum. Yes, I’ll breathe. In mean it’s helping me to just focus and center and myself. Yes. I love honey. Yes, me too. And I feel that when I breathe in, and then I hum as I’m exhaling and I sort of feel that vibrate throughout my body and I feel like I’m tuning my body almost like a, like an instrument.
Mm-hmm. . And I start to feel tingly and good and, uh, and I, and I focus on that feeling on that, on that. Sound vibration for, for five minutes and uh, and I feel just so re-energized and it’s five minutes and I get so excited that, oh my gosh, it was only, it was so efficient, it was five minutes and I am feeling a boost of it, of energy.
It was, yeah. Yeah. And, and just a sense of peace and grounding within myself. And it’s like I treated myself for these five minutes. I allowed myself to have five quality time, met like five quality time minutes. . Not sure if it’s okay to say it like that, but anyway, you get the idea. . Yes. Yes. So that’s another technique that I love.
I also love music and dancing. Uh, I love movement. And so sometimes I’ll feel like, you know what? Because I’ll put on a song that I love and, and just allow my body to move to it in a freestyle form. Not caring or paying attention to a routine or the movements just moving how just. Yes, exactly. I haven’t done that in a while.
I used to do it every, every, every day almost in my office. I haven’t done it in a while. Maybe I’m becoming too serious. that, but that’s, thank you for reminding me. Yes. Put on a muse. . a happy song and or just a dancing music and dance. Dance, dance. Yeah, yeah. Whatever you’ve, whatever feels right for you in that moment.
And so the different practices that I do it, it varies depending on the day. And, and I check in with myself, how do I feel? Does, would dancing make me feel good or would it, uh, where am I, am I not in the moved for that today? And so I, I try to listen to, to how I’m feeling and, and go with that cuz there are so many.
Tools and techniques and, and, uh, that I like to have in my toolbox so that I can pull out or pick the one that feels right in that moment. Yeah, good idea. Um, and Lauren, here’s the big question. I Yes, I have a feeling that I know your answer though, but anyway, I’m asking it anyway. So what would you say is your joy element in life?
What makes you totally and completely like. brings you in a state of joy that nothing can shake, right? Uh oh. There are so many things. Of course, you know, I want to say, um, you know, my. My twins. Of course. Yes, of course. I mean, that’s something I thought you were going to. Yes, yes, yes. That is, that is, um, I, I want to acknowledge Yes, that is true.
The other, um, the other stuff that brings me joy is, is just anything that I can find or practice that allows me to feel good and to have fun. I get so excited about sharing it, uh, with others in case they, it can help somebody else feel good. So I get super excited about that, and that’s why I’m excited about.
I’m excited. I mean, it feels good to feel good, so I get excited and about feeling good within myself, and then I’m just excited to find ways to share it, um, with, with my book, uh, classes, podcasts, like you’re doing. Um, so all those different ways, um, You get me excited because, um, yeah, I’m just so excited to share anything that I find that could be helpful.
Um, and then I also get excited about thinking about things that I’ve, fun, things that I’ve manifested or brought into my life, um, deliberately or consciously or by intention, because I believe that our thoughts or our thoughts affect how we feel. And I believe also that. Um, anything is possible. So if we, before something, before we see something manifest physically in our lives, I feel that it first has to start out as a, as a fun thought.
Mm-hmm. , and then I find it so exciting to then, um, well, to think about it. Just manifest fun. Manifest, yeah. Yeah. And then to, to see it. To feel it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I love what, uh, to, to create new projects or new, um, creations. I love creating, so I love creating new things like that. And then I love to think back about things that I have brought into my life.
Like, you know, my, my twins, I, I, um, my 19 month old toddlers, um, I, I always knew I wanted to have children and I started to, Communicate with them, um, through meditation, through different ways before they were born. And I, I believe, yeah. And so now to, to have them here, uh, with me in, um, this physical realm, uh, you know, in mm-hmm.
is just so exciting. I thank them every day for, for choosing me and for joining me here. Yeah. For being simply, for being in Exactly. Oh, this is this, this was such an inspiring conversation. Thank you so much. Lo. And we’ll share. We’ll share the link for your, for your beautiful book and good luck with the rest of your projects that are really light and love in the world.
thank you so much. Same to you. You’re so inspiring, and thank you for having me. Oh, thank you,
Thank you for listening. If you’d like to know more about our programs services, Retreats, trainings, and all sorts of tools to bring more laughter and joy in your life. Visit and for the women’s Until next time, keep smiling and laughing.
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