
Want to laugh in French with me?

I just made a short video for Christmas time – to help people to relax, release some stress, breathe and laugh a bit more during the frenzy of the Season’s Holidays…

Here it is. Click this link.

Even if you don’t understand EVERYTHING I say (you might just be surprised how much you actually WILL understand!), you will be laughing in French my dear ones! Can you believe it? You will be bilingual in your laughter!

Oui oui! (That’s yes yes in French!)

Everything we learn with fun, play and laughter, is wayyyyyyyyyy easier than what we though to begin with!
And THAT’S a fact! haha!

Love and laughter

Your HAHA Sister, Linda


I was trying to explain the whole concept of Laughter Yoga to a man I met in a networking event and while he was really laughing with me (we did the Greeting Laughter), he kept saying: “Seriously?”

And I kept telling him, YES it’s very serious why we do it! YES we laugh for a serious reason: because it is plain and simple good for us! We FEEL better, we are more productive, we are in better mental shape. And YES the more you allow yourself to do it, the happier you become!

About one hour later, we’ve met again in the crowd.  The minute he saw my face, he started to laugh. But the funny thing is that the people he was with at that time ALSO started to laugh when they saw HIM laughing for no reason!
Ripple effects? I really think so… Seriously? You bet!

Love and laughter

Your HAHA Sister, Linda