
Vitamins for Joy

Yesterday I was going to a TV studio for a “twice a month” segment on Laughter Yoga and the (numerous) benefits of laughter.

I was talking about the “Joy Vitamins”. What do you do to make sure you have a good Joy Diet?

First question I asked was : Do you take vitamins? and if yes, what for?

One person was – to help his health – the other was not, but thought it could help her health.

Well guess what? You can take “Joy Vitamins” to boost your feeling of happiness and joy! What are they?

Here are just a few examples of what your “Joy Vitamins” could be:

– Wear bright and cheerful colours (and not just black, grey and navy!). And if you can’t because of your workplace dress code, wear bright colours socks or underwear! I had mine on!

– Make yourself some Laughter cocktails (and do the Milk-Shake laughter!) when you are thursty! (The guests on the TV set simply LOVED that exercise!!!) and fill them with magic powers! Drink your Laughter potion!

– SMILE SMILE SMILE!!! This is free, easy and quiet!

– Expose yourself to happy noises! Listen to happy music, laughter CDs…

– Use “Laughter yoga on the phone”.  Or on Skype. You can do it at most time of day!

– Join a laughter club! and if you can’t, well, go back to the previous point! haha!
Want to bet how much better you will feel?

I guarantee you will because… Action creates emotion!

And that’s a fact!

Love and Laughter

Your HAHA Sister, Linda

Want to laugh in French with me?

I just made a short video for Christmas time – to help people to relax, release some stress, breathe and laugh a bit more during the frenzy of the Season’s Holidays…

Here it is. Click this link.

Even if you don’t understand EVERYTHING I say (you might just be surprised how much you actually WILL understand!), you will be laughing in French my dear ones! Can you believe it? You will be bilingual in your laughter!

Oui oui! (That’s yes yes in French!)

Everything we learn with fun, play and laughter, is wayyyyyyyyyy easier than what we though to begin with!
And THAT’S a fact! haha!

Love and laughter

Your HAHA Sister, Linda


In 2008, after being involved in the Laughter Yoga community for over 5 years, I started to sign my emails with these words: Your HAHA Sister, Linda. It made such good sense because whenever I was laughing with people, I felt a deep and strong connection between us. Something that was coming from deep within, touching the bright and pure part in us. LOVE. So this idea of creating a community of women laughing came very naturally. It was a given! For the ripple effect of love that a woman’s laughter can create… magic!

My vision for this community is both simple and grand. Laughter, like love, knows no limits. Thinking of the Sisterhood, I see women laughing and loving each other, worldwide.

Because anything we do with this intention can translate into a tsunami of love! Touching the lives of so many… even those we don’t know.

We care, we nurture, we love, we protect, we support, we educate, we feed, we heal… Think about all the beautiful roles we play in this world! Now think about how much we can touch and impact lives if we do that with a conscious laugh, a smile and joy in our heart!

We are all more alike, in our frailties and strengths, than we are, in our differences. There is no other, we are all truly ONE. What you experience is also within me and vice-versa. I wish for all of us to be with a group of women where there will be no ragged edges, just unconditional love, all the time. Even if we might sometimes be vessels full of cracks, how about we fill ourselves with love, gentleness, ease, laughter, wonder and acceptance. We are mirrors for each other that help each other love ourselves, be brave, be gentle…be light…be laughter!

I want for us pure love and soft lines to enfold us. And LAUGHTER BRINGS THAT. And because we have such a tremendous impact on our families, communities, and world…as we guide, care, nurture, support, protect and love them, it is even more crucial that we do it consciously so we bring even more love and light into this world!

I absolutely want to highlight the contribution and thank a small group of very special women, who were there with me during a weekend that saw the germination of this heart-felt movement buoyed by laughter. Katie West, Ina Lukas, Jill Johnson, Anne Timpany and Rebecca Foster, I have no words to describe my feelings of gratitude, humbleness and love for you. You helped bring this dream of mine to life and put words to this vision and mission. Not only was that weekend the beginning of what is now the HAHA Sisterhood, it was a beautiful love fest!

Now Sisters, let’s do this consciously and feel the powerful wave of love we are creating around us! You are not alone in this! We are together, and we are all committing to doing it every day!

I love you.

Your HAHA Sister, Linda

Good days… and not so good days

We all have our days when things are going so right and perfect! It feels like nothing can get us down nor stop us. These days are wonderful and we all love to have them. We wish they would never stop!

And then, we have our days where we wonder why we even bother… What we did to deserve such crap or misery. Even if the sun is up and sky blue, we just don’t see it, feel lousy and wish they would never begin! One word to describe our state of mind then: lousy.

Yes… they all happen.

When I don’t sleep well or if I don’t feel good when I wake up, my feeling is that I’m being tested! Will she stay in that mood or will she switch and be present to the beauty of the moment? See, I didn’t say “will she be happy” but I used the word “present”. Important nuance.

These days are there for a reason. We are human beings and as such, we experience feelings, emotions… stuff!
So the challenge for us all is to pay attention to these days when we feel like clouds are surrounding us (even in a day where the sky is blue and not grey!). Thank the emotion or feeling, and then start to smile. I’m saying SMILE. Keep doing it. The minute you find your face getting too serious or long, SMILE.

Want to bet that your mood will change?!

I’ve been testing this method lately. It really worked! I’m not saying that my day completely changed and that the worries went away completely. I simply noticed the beauty surrounding me, saw SOMETHING else than my worries and smiled at my challenges. My shoulders relaxed and my breathing went deeper and easier.

My conclusion? It’s like you are giving yourself a beautiful HUG and you feel better… Try it! I guarantee you might just enjoy yourself then!

And that’s a fact!

Be well

Your HAHA Sister, Linda