
My Laughter Club… keeping me sane!

This week, we will be celebrating our 13th anniversary in Gatineau! 13 years of sharing laughter – and sometimes tears! – and being happier week after week… In my case, I have a confession to make. This commitment required a lot of love and attention and work, but it probably saved my sanity over the years!

I’m just like every body else! It’s not because I’m a Laughter Yoga professional (I made it my business for over 7 years now) that I don’t experience the “not so cool” times in my life. I’m upset, I’m frustrated, I’m sad, I’m hurt… and I’m stressed! But this weekly commitment, to show up, lead a laughter yoga session with whoever is there, well it has been a sanity savior for me!

Whatever challenge I’m facing, whatever difficulty or storm I’m dealing with, having to be there and laugh with my Laughter Club Family is making me feel sooooooooooo much better! Week after week…

Sure, sometimes, I think it’s a lot of work and some evenings I’m really not in good shape when I arrive. Sometimes I even apologize right at the beginning for my lack of energy or stamina… but what happens is that I FORGET ABOUT EVERYTHING while I’m there laughing with whoever showed up that night! And frankly people don’t SEE my mistakes or my tiredness. They simply enjoy every minute with me laughing – as I do with them!

Seriously guys, a social laughter club might be the BEST THING that happens in your life as it is in mine! I’m not kidding!

The physical experience of going somewhere TO LAUGH with others is simply so very rewarding and we all feel so much more connected to each other after an hour of sharing laughter. Nothing compares to that…  well, let me think… Nope!  Nothing compares to that!

So what are you waiting for? DO IT!
It is worth every minute you get involved in that.
Be well and keep smiling
Your HAHA Sister, Linda

Big or Small… Seize doesn’t matter

Sometimes people think that we need to have a large group in order to deliver our teaching programs and be laughing a lot.

Well, that’s far from true!

In all the years I’ve been running my laughter club (12 years this November!) and teaching CLYLeaders (and CLYTeachers), no matter how many people show up, we ALWAYS laugh our heads off!

So don’t worry if you only have 2, 3 or 4 people registered for your programs, or if only 2, 3 or 4 people show up for your club session! You will be laughing anyway! Maybe even MORE! Because there is a special and strong bond that is being created between those brave and beautiful souls who showed up… and that, my friend, is called LOVE! I think that this is the greatest gift we get and give. The ripple effects might go far…. very far!

You know what? I truly believe that whenever my heart tells me “GO anyway”, I’m in for a wild and fun ride! hahaha!

Love and laughter

Your HAHA Sister, Linda